Legal information
Legal information

Legal provisions concerning site

The ACTIVILONG site is operated by MISS ANTILLES INTERNATIONAL, a limited liability company with capital of 381 122, 53 euros, entered in the Commercial and Companies Register under number B 327 235 818, whose registered office is located at: 

2 Avenue du Montboulon, ZA du Sauvoy, 77165 Saint-Soupplets, France      
Telephone: (+33) 1 60 61 62 62
Fax: (+33) 1 60 61 62 72

MISS ANTILLES INTERNATIONAL (hereinafter termed M.A.I) is liable for VAT and is identified by an individual number in application of Article 286ter of the General Tax Code. Its individual registration number is FR 51 327 235 818 00033.

Director of Publication: Marie Cheffre

Site host: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix – France

Photo credits:   photos Activilong and pictures from image bank: &

The site is an electronic business site that can be accessed from the Internet. It offers a variety of cosmetic products for hair, for sale to internet surfers or users browsing the site (hereinafter "the Site").

General Conditions of Use (GCU)

1. Alterations

1.2 Use

1.3 Access to site

1.4 Account

1.5 Intellectual property

1.6 Personal data / Confidentiality

1.7 Request for advice / advice verified by net reviews

1.8 Use of cookies

1.9 Hypertext links

1.10 Visitor behaviour

2. Site access and operation

3. Policy on cookies

3.1 What is a cookie?

3.2 What are cookies for?

3.3 How can cookies be disabled?

3.4 MAI cookies

3.5 Cookies issued by third parties

4. Applicable law and competent courts

5. Mediation

General Conditions of Sale (CGV) of site


1. Aim

2. Enforceability of General Conditions of Sale

3. Site unavailability

4. Products

4.1. Product availability

4.2. Information

4.3.Use of products - Precautions for use

5. Prices

6. Orders

6.1. Acceptance of order

6.2. Confirmation of order

6.3. Error in order

6.4. Purchase reward

6.5. Preparation of orders

7. Payment

7.1. Means of payment

7.2. Failure to pay

7.3. Ownership reservation

7.4. Restrictions on sale

8. Delivery deadlines and conditions

8.1. Delivery costs

8.2. Delivery deadlines

8.3. Delivery tracking

8.4. Delivery zone

8.5. Loss of package

9. Guarantees

9.1. Hidden defects guarantee (see Annex 2)

9.2. Non-compliance / defectiveness (see Annex 2)

9.2.1. Taking account of buyer's request

10. Right of cancellation

11. Protection of personal data

12. Liability

13. Integrality

14. Duration

15. Proof

16. Applicable law

17. Pre-contractual information, acceptance of client

Annex 1: Cancellation form

19. Programme de parrainage

Annex 2: Extracts from Civil and Consumption Codes

Activilong Personal Data Protection Charter

Concerning the collection and use of your personal data

1. Site publisher

2. Processing manager

3. Collection of your personal data on the Activilong site

4. Finality of collection

5. Legal basis

6. User information

7. Recipients of data

8. Preservation of data

9. Security

10. Your rights

11. Cookies

11.1. What is a cookie?

11.2. Different types of cookies

11.3. Activilong cookies

11.4. Third party cookies

11.5. Your rights

11.6. Period of storage


General Conditions of Use (CGU)

Use of the Site by any person, regardless of the subject of their visit, consultation or purchase (hereinafter termed "the Visitor") is governed by the present general conditions of use (hereinafter termed "the CGU").

These general conditions of use apply to the first visit to the Site and are enforceable throughout the period of use of the said Site.

The information contained on the Site is intended for visitors, whether these visitors are consumers and/or business persons.

The information is supplied in its current state without guarantee of comprehensiveness or of absence of errors, omissions or out-of-date information.

M.A.I reserves the right to alter and update the General Conditions of Use. Use of the Web Site shall be subject to the CGU prevailing at the moment of its use.

The information shown on the Site has been compiled in accordance with French legislation prevailing on the date on which it was placed on the site. All access from territories other than France is made at the risk and peril of the visitor in consideration of the law applicable to that visitor.

The riles of conflict of law are expressly excluded in favour of the complete and unreserved application of French law.

Visitors can normally access the site 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, without there being an obligation on the publishing director who may be required to interrupt access to the site either temporarily or definitively. No compensation can be granted by the publishing director in relation to site unavailability, whether temporary or definitive.

The Site user may subscribe on line to the services offered by the Site.

Any user subscribing on line to one of the offers must create an account beforehand. The user may access this personal account by means of access code. These access codes are strictly personal.

The user is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and safety of his account and password and for restricting access to his computer. Within the limit of what is authorised by applicable law, the user agrees to be responsible for all activities carried out using his account or his password. The user must take all necessary measures to ensure that his password remains confidential and is kept secure, and must inform the Site immediately if he has reason to believe that his password is known to anyone else or his password has been used in an unauthorised manner, by contacting:

The user shall be responsible for the validity and comprehensiveness of the information provided, and must inform the Site of any changes regarding that information.

Any refusal to answer the obligatory questions on the account creation form will prevent subscription to the on-line offers.

You may access your information and modify it, as well as your account parameters, within the "your account" space on the website.

The Site, and any software used in relation to the site, may contain confidential information and data that are protected by intellectual property law. Unless specified otherwise, therefore, the intellectual property rights governing documents and data of any nature contained in the Site, and any element making up those data (marks, sketches, images, illustrations, sounds, texts, graphic elements, charter etc), including software, databases and newsletters, are the exclusive property of MAI (hereinafter "the Content"). This property does not grant any licence or any right other than the right to view the Site. Reproduction of part or all of the Content is authorised only for the exclusive purpose of providing information for personal and private use; all reproduction or use for other purposes is prohibited.

It is also forbidden to copy, modify, create a derived work, assemble, decompile (except in cases provided for by law), sell, extract, attribute, sub-licence or transfer anything relating to the Content.

The Visitor is forbidden to undermine the Site Publisher's right of ownership, either directly or indirectly, and is prohibited from exploiting the names, marks and logos in any way. Internet users undertake to respect all the rights of the Site Publisher and are prohibited from creating anything similar in the public mind for any purposes whatsoever.

Any total or partial reproduction made, by any process whatsoever, without the prior written consent of the publishing director is illicit and constitutes an act of counterfeiting which may give rise to damages and criminal sanctions.

It is also forbidden to modify part or all of the Content, in particular any software, and to use modified versions of the software in order to obtain unauthorised access to the service, and to access the Site by any means other than the interface provided to the Visitor by M.A.I.

MAI pays particular attention to the protection of your personal data.

The site respects the French law concerning protection of privacy and personal data and the European Regulation for Protection of Personal Data (RGPD) dated 27 April 2016.

In accordance with Law No. 78-17 dated 6 January 1978 concerning computers, files and liberties, modified on 20 June 2018, M.A.I will advise you of the ways in which it processes personal data. You have the right of access, questioning, modification, deletion and correction over the data that concern you.

Similarly, you have the right to oppose the processing of personal data and information concerning you, and may exercise that right for legitimate reasons. You also have the right to oppose the use of these data for commercial canvassing purposes. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without undermining the licitness of the processing of your personal data.

In order to exercise these rights, you may write to the Client Service Department of the ACTIVILONG site, attaching a copy of your identity document, or e-mail: The address is as follows:

LABOMAI Service Clients, e-Shop, 2 Avenue de MONTBOULON, ZI du SAUVOY, 77165 SAINT SOUPPLETS

Finally, you have the right to define general and specific directives that set out the way in which you intend for these rights to be exercised following your death.

If necessary, you may contact the CNIL in order to make a claim. You are invited to contact us beforehand at

The information that you send to us is intended for M.A.I for the purpose of managing your requests and for prospecting purposes. It may not be communicated to partners without your prior consent.

All information supplied during client visits to the M.A.I website is strictly confidential. In no circumstances will clients' data be transferred, sold or hired other than for the purpose of making a delivery or responding to a demand from a legal authority. The information and data concerning each client are essential for the purpose of processing orders and maintaining business relations developed by M.A.I, and for internal statistical purposes.

The personal data collected by M.A.I are processed, input and stored in accordance with legal provisions prevailing in France.

When a visitor registers, M.A.I obtains data using the form available from the "my account" inset on the site: first and last names, civil status, billing and delivery address, telephone number and e-mail address.

When a visitor consults pages on the website, the M.A.I servers automatically recognise his IP address.

The personal data collected by M.A.I whenever the Visitor makes a visit or order are necessary for M.A.I to manage the Visitor's order. Personal data collected via the website may be sent to partner companies to allow delivery of orders, detection of fraud via the means of payment, and management of the marketing operations organised by M.A.I.

These data may be used, subject to the rights exercised by the Visitor, to inform the Visitor of products, services and offers proposed by M.A.I.

M.A.I may also collect statistical information in order to find out how Visitors are using the website (frequency of consultation of various pages on the website, sales statistics, origin of Visitors to the Site, etc).

The information relating to the Visitor's profile will be stored by M.A.I and be used only for internal purposes, for conducting market studies, unless the Visitor indicates otherwise.

After making an order on the Site, the Client will receive an automated e-mail from Advice Verified by Net Reviews, an independent organisation commissioned by M.A.I to obtain opinions from its on-line clients.

The Client is free to answer or ignore this request.

This survey of opinions relates to the client's personal purchasing experience (ease of navigation, compliance with preparation or parcel delivery deadlines etc) and to the products ordered (quality of formulae, results obtained etc), and allows M.A.I to obtain information that can help improve the service and the products it has on offer.

All opinions that are justified and relevant, both positive and negative, are published and may be read on line via the Advices Verified located in the bottom left corner of the Site.

Advices Verified is AFNOR-certified and as such, within the context of its activities and in accordance with current legislation in France (Law No. 78-017 dated 6 January 1978 concerning computers, files and liberties (the Computers and Liberties Law) and in Europe (European Parliament and Council Regulation (UE) 2016/679 dated 27 April 2016 concerning protection of individual persons with regard to processing of personal data and free circulation of these data (RGPD)), undertakes to ensure the protection, confidentiality and safety of the personal data of persons benefiting from the services and/or products of AFNOR group entities, and to respect their privacy.

For more information on AFNOR certification, consult this link:

For more information on the confidentiality policy of Advices Verified by Net Reviews, consult this link:

The Visitor declares his acceptance of the website publisher's option of using the cookies technique in accordance with the following policy (see paragraph 4. Policy on Cookies)

The Site may include links to other internet sites or other internet sources. Insofar as M.A.I cannot control these sites and external sources, M.A.I cannot be held responsible for the provision of these sites and external sources, and declines all responsibility with regard to their content, publicity, products, services or other items of information or data available. In addition, ACTIVILONG cannot be held responsible for any damages or losses, confirmed or alleged, arising from confidence shown in the content, publicity, products, services or other items of information or data available. In addition, M.A.I cannot be held responsible for any damages or losses, confirmed or alleged, arising from confidence shown in the content, goods or services available on these sites or external sources, or the use thereof.

Any creation of links to the M.A.I website, any framing of the Site, and more generally any use of a component element of the Site, is subject to the express prior consent of M.A.I. This consent may be cancelled at any time at its sole discretion. M.A.I reserves the right to demand the deletion of any link to the Site that has not been, or is no longer, authorised, and to demand damages as reparation for any prejudice suffered.

Each Visitor undertakes to use the Internet responsibly, and with respect and courtesy for the rights of other Internet users.

In this regard, the Visitor, when accessing the site, is prohibited in particular from:

- uploading to the Site, displaying, sending by e-mail or transmitting by any other means any content that is illegal, damaging, threatening, injurious, harassing, criminal defamatory, vulgar, obscene or contrary to good manners, that undermines the privacy of a person, or is offensive, unsettling or shocking from a racial, ethnic or other point of view;

- uploading to the Site, sending by e-mail or transmitting by any other means any element that contains software viruses or any other computer codes, files or programmes designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the function of any software or hardware or any telecommunications equipment;

- disrupting or interrupting the Site or the servers or networks connected to the Site, or infringing the requirements, procedures, rules or regulations of networks connected to the Site;

- attempting to undermine the service of any user, host or network, which includes, without this list being exhaustive, the act of exposing the Site to a virus, creating saturation, overloading the server, saturating the e-mail service or falsifying any heading on an information package in the TCP/IP protocol or any part of the information in the heading shown in any e-mail;

- accessing data that are not intended for the Visitor, or entering a server or account that the Visitor is not authorised to access;

- attempting to enter, scrutinise or test the vulnerability of a system or network, or infringing the safety or authentication measures without receiving the authorisation to do so;

- usurping the identity of another person;

- carrying on an illegal activity or inciting any third party to carry on such an activity, so as to undermine the rights of M.A.I, its suppliers, partners, distributors or advertisers or of any other Visitor;

- transferring or transmitting (by any means whatsoever) information or software that is derived from the Site, especially to other countries or to certain foreign nationals in violation of a national or international law or regulation.

In recognition of the global nature of the Internet, each Visitor undertakes to respect all the local and international rules and procedures relating to on-line behaviour and to acceptable content, and in particular all current laws concerning transmission of technical data.

At any moment, and for any reason, M.A.I may implement, without notice, any means of terminating use of the Internet Site by the Visitor or use of any of ACTIVILONG's services for any conduct that violates these conditions of use.

M.A.I reserves the right to claim damages from the Visitor in the event of damages and failure to respect the general conditions of use of the Site.

The Visitor alone shall be responsible for introducing telecommunications and computerised means for allowing access to the M.A.I website and the knowledge necessary for using the Internet and accessing the Site. The Visitor is responsible for the connection and equipment costs linked to access to the Internet and use of the Site.

M.A.I cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information shown on its site or the continued good function or complete safety of its site. M.A.I cannot therefore be held responsible for any damages suffered by any Visitor as a result of this use. In addition, M.A.I declines all responsibility for indirect damages that may occur following access to the Site by any person, for impossibility of access, or for credence given to any information coming directly or indirectly from the Site.

MAI shall, through these general conditions of use, advise Internet users that it may use cookies when the users browse through the various pages and interfaces of the Site, and during their processes of registration, uploading, downloading and updating.

While using the Site, you agree and expressly authorise the use of cookies, in accordance with our Policy on Cookies.

A cookie is a small text file that a Web server can keep in the hard disc of a computer to store information regarding the Internet user. The cookie identifies your computer alone and can only be read by the website that sent it to the computer.

A cookie is not an executable file or a programme, and as such cannot be propagated.

Cookies are used with the aim of recognising users and of providing a better and more personalised service.

Cookies are also used with the aim of obtaining statistical information on use of the Site.

By parametrising your browser to refuse cookies, certain functions, pages and spaces of the Site will not be accessible. We cannot be held responsible for this.

Your attention is also drawn to the fact that when you oppose the installation or use of a cookie, a refusal cookie is installed on your computer equipment. If you delete this refusal cookie, it will no longer be possible to identify you as one who refused the use of cookies. Similarly, when you agree to the installation of cookies, a consent cookie is installed. Consent or refusal cookies must remain on your computer equipment.

Internet users can adjust their browsers to accept or refuse the cookies that it receives or so that the browser warns them when the server wants to keep a cookie or delete it from their computer. In mobile phones, they can delete cookies using the "Parameters" option.

To prevent cookies from installing, you must follow the indications that correspond to the browser you are using:

• Internet Explorer: On the "Tools> Internet Options" menu, click on the "confidentiality" tab, select the desired adjustment and click on advanced parameters. Select "Ignore automatic cookie management". Highlight "Activate" or "Block". We recommend activating the "Always accept session cookies" option, in order to optimise your browsing on our website.

• Firefox: On the "Tools> Options" menu, click on the "Confidentiality" tab. Activate or disable "Accept web cookies" or "tell websites not to track me". It depends on which version of the browser you have. You can also delete cookies installed by clicking on "delete cookies individually".

• Chrome: On the "Tools> Parameters" menu, click on the "Confidentiality> content parameters" tab. After selecting the "show advanced parameters" option, click on your preferred cookies adjustment. If you do not want to allow installation, you can select the "block site data and third party cookies" option.

•Opera: On the "Adjust> Preferences" menu, click on the "Advanced" tab. On the "Cookies" menu, select the "Accept traces" or the "Never accept cookies" options. If you want a more comprehensive level of control over the cookies installed on your computer, we recommend selecting the option "Ask me before accepting cookies".

• Safari: On the "Tools> Preferences" menu, click on the "Security" tab. On the "Accept cookies" menu, select "Always" or "Never". If you have an iPhone, you must click on "Parameters> Safari" and choose whether or not to accept the cookies.

If you are using another browser, you can obtain more information regarding the cookie installation settings through the help or assistance section in the browser itself.

M.A.I may modify its policy on cookies in accordance with the law or in order to adapt the policy to comply with instructions issued by CNIL. M.A.I advises visitors to consult the policy on cookies regularly in order to be kept updated on changes.

When you connect to our site, we may be led, depending on your choice, to install various cookies on your computer so that we can recognise the browser from your computer throughout the period of validity of the cookie concerned. The cookies that we issue are utilised for the purposes described below, subject to your choice, which arise from the parameters of your navigation software used when you visit our site.

The cookies that we issue allow us to:

• Compile statistics and volumes for frequentation and use of various elements making up our site (headings and contents visited, routes followed), allowing us to make our services more interesting and ergonomically efficient

• Adapt the presentation of our site to meet the display preferences of your computer (language used, display resolution, operating system used etc) during your visits to our Site, depending on the hardware and the display or reading software contained in your terminal

• Memorise information relating to a form completed by you on our site (registration or access to your account) or to products, services or information chosen by you on our site (content of order basket etc.)

• Help you access reserved and personal spaces in our site, such as your account, by means of identifiers or data that you may have confided in us previously

• Implement safety measures, for example when you are asked to reconnect to a content or a service after a certain period of time

The issue and use of cookies by third parties is subject to these third parties' privacy protection policies.

Advertising content (graphics, animations, videos, etc.) shown in our advertising spaces may contain cookies issued by third parties: either the advertiser behind the advertising content concerned, or a third-party company of the advertiser (communications advice agency, audience rating company, targeted advertising service provider etc) who has associated a cookie with the advertising content of a particular advertiser.

Where necessary, the cookies issued by these third parties may allow them, for as long as these cookies remain valid:

• To create an account listing the number of displays of advertising content circulated through our advertising spaces.

• To identify the advertisements thus displayed and the number of users who have clicked on each advertisement, thus allowing them to calculate the totals due in this regard and to compile statistics.

• To recognise your computer when it next browses through any other site or service on which these advertisers or third parties also issue cookies. And:

  Where necessary, to adapt these third party sites and services or the advertisements that they contain, to the browsing by your computer that they may recognise.

• For further information on cookies and the use of cookies, Visitors may consult the National Commission for Computers and Liberties (CNIL) file at the following address:

The site is subject to French law.

Only the French courts shall be competent in the event of litigation.

All disputes to which application of these conditions may give rise, with regard to their validity, interpretation, fulfilment, termination, consequences and effects, which cannot be resolved between the parties, shall be brought before the competent courts under conditions of common law.

In the event of a dispute with MAI which cannot be resolved within 45 days of notification of dispute by the Internet user, the user may, if he so wishes, resort to a conventional mediation procedure, most notably with the Consumers Mediation Commission (Article L.612-1 of the Consumption Code) or with the E-Commerce Mediation Authority set up by the FEVAD and accessible using the URL, or by using any alternative method of settling disputes (such as conciliation) when a dispute arises.

To this end. MAI informs you that you may call on the mediator within one year of written notification of the dispute. Failing that, the claim will lapse.

In the event of a judicial dispute, the litigation shall fall exclusively within the scope of competence of the French courts for disputes between MAI and non-professionals.